Estimating your LSAT tutoring costs
Tutoring isn’t one-size-fits-all.
At elleSAT, we’re breaking down barriers to law school by providing affordable a-la-carte tutoring options to suit all budgets. We offer discounts and financing for packages, coordinate between tutors so you can mix and match to suit your learning style, and do our best to help our students find study groups.
To help you on your journey, we’re collecting data about our students’ progress and sharing it with you. We hope you’ll find it helpful to see real results.
Budgeting for tutoring.
Pay-as-you go: We started elleSAT with the goal of offering private tutoring for the same price you’d pay for a class: the big companies charge $35/hr for classes with the big company, so that’s what our newest tutors charge. Our pay-as-you-go hourly options make it possible to try out different tutors with minimal risk. We also refer to tutors who work on a sliding scale off-site. Write to us at contact@ellesat.com and we’ll do our best to match you with someone who can help.
Discounted packages: We truly believe you can get better results than a prep class by working with an experienced tutor, and we offer discounted packages competitive with the cost of a group class. We’ve collected information about our student results on this page, so that you can see what others have spent. We’re looking forward to offering financing soon, but in the meantime, please book with the tutor(s) you are interested in to discuss payment arrangements.